Join Us!

Become a member of Biointensive for Russia and help promote Biointensive gardening practices in Russian-speaking countries! Membership in BfR is separate from membership in Ecology Action, which we also encourage you to join at $30 or more per year.

Membership donations help us to "close the circle" in Eurasia and encourage environmentally sound lifestyles there as well as in the USA. All members will receive one newsletter per year.

$50 Donor: Receive a tour of the Mulberry Haven of 29 different types of fruit

$100 Contributor: Receive a Mulberry Haven tour and a Eurasian lunch

Optionally, you may write to Director Carol Vesecky to join BfR's free email lists that receive updates on our Eurasia partners' work, early invitations to and news of BfR's Eurasia tours, and Biointensive workshops and (the local list only) mini-fundraisers usually held in the Ojai Valley.

To join, please print and fill out the following form:

Zip Code:

I would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to Ecology Action for a membership in Biointensive for Russia:
(Please make out a check to Ecology Action and mail it to the address on the bottom of this page)

$20 Regular membership

$50 Donor

$100 Contributor

$250 Supporter: Receive the 2nd Russian edition of How to Grow More Vegetables..,

Here's my special contribution of $ 

One-time contribution, please don't even send the newsletter!

I would like to volunteer my time:

Help us find groups that will take an interest in our work. Carol will bring her slides and tell our story!

Contributing an article to, or co-editing our newsletter

Russian translation work, in either direction

Office organization, filing help in 3-hr stints

Website feedback and advice


Biointensive for Russialeaf
913 Oso Road
Ojai, CA 93023 U.S.A.
(805) 640-1897

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